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Free Gay Chat Rooms offers FREE chat rooms to the gay community. If you already have a website or webpage we welcome you to embed the code to our chat room into the body of your document. We offer a code generator making it as simply as inserting your desired colors, copy & paste the code into your document and begin chatting.

If you don't have a website or webpage and wish to chat with other people you are welcome to join an established gay chat channel from the list below to begin chatting.

We have made a #Gay-Chat channel for you to use at your convenience. If you wish to run your own free gay chat room and require assistance in setting it up, connect using the link below, then type into the text line /join #help. We have an experienced staff of knowledgeable volunteers that will be willing to assist you in setting up your own free gay chat room! is a family friendly IRC Network who welcome all individuals to use our free java chat client to meet other people or to chat with people they've already met.

There have been many changes related to the gay community regarding States allowing gay marriages, changes to health insurance policies and much more. We welcome our IRC Network to be used as a public forum for these discussions or just to meet more people in a social environment for general chat.

If you open a free gay chat room on our IRC Network and wish to see it listed below with the other links please email us.
If you wish to open a free gay chat room on our IRC Network please use the link below to connect to the Network and in the text line type: /join #help

The Network can also be accessed with software programs such as mIRC by setting a server connection to port 6667.

* will not discriminate against anyone based on Religion, Race, Color, Origin or Sexual Orientation.

Please Note: NO Staff member of will EVER ask you for any password(s). If someone should ask you for this information please email the above email address or /join #help and report it.